'Gag Concert' corner decides not to use the name Muhammad

Article: [Exclusive] 'Gag Concert' corner decides not to use the name 'Muhammad'... "Out of respect for Islam"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+290, -6] I think an American ambassador tried something similar before and got murdered

2. [+264, -11] Good decision... I think it'd also be a good idea to write up an apology and put it up as a notice. 'Gag Concert' could risk being taken off air if they rub them the wrong way.

3. [+225, -7] It's dangerous to make them mad.

4. [+32, -3] Just take it off air;;; Making excuses saying a gag is a gag doesn't matter when they could be on the brink of terrorizing our country... No use making them mad.

5. [+21, -0] Yeah, stop messing around and don't use it.

6. [+13, -7] Just take it off air. It's an honorable and valuable name to Islam, why even use it like that for the corner? Would Koreans be happy if another country made gags out of Lee Soon Shin's name? This is a matter of respect between the countries.
